Making yourself layoff proof is a skill that has become increasingly important in recent years. Economist Robert Reich notes in his piece at The Guardian “profit-sharing with regular employees all but disappeared in large US corporations.” When profit-sharing was a more common practice “it… reduced the need for layoffs during a recession because payroll costs dropped as profits did.” In the news, there have been Stories of emotional CEOs laying off hundreds of employees via Zoom or similar mass job cuts that have been a part of the daily news cycle since 2020. Unfortunately, one of the methods enterprises use to squeeze a bit more profit out of their quarterly earnings is layoffs.
The fact is that few of us are layoff proof, and navigating the current rocky employment landscape can feel precarious. But there are absolutely steps you can take to give yourself the best possible opportunity to avoid the pink slip. And if the worst does happen, the steps you take now to become a “layoff-proof” team member will go a long way in getting you to your next post. asset to your company is easier than it may seem.